Local Market Monopoly

Tips and Tools To Help You Out-Market the Competition

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Previous Issues of The Local Market Monopoly Newsletter

Three Secrets to Winning Local Business Awards

Three Secrets to Winning Local Business Awards

In this episode of Local Market Monopoly with Clarence Fisher, we explore the significance of winning local business awards. Clarence gives you a step-by-step guide on how to receive the recognition you deserve. The benefits of winning awards include enhanced...

The Fastest And Least Expensive Way To Double Your Sales

The Fastest And Least Expensive Way To Double Your Sales

As a small business owner, how can you double your sales without breaking the bank? In this episode of Local Market Monopoly with Clarence Fisher, discover the secrets to doubling your sales and revenue without breaking the bank. Clarence shares proven strategies and...

7 Quick Wins for Boosting Social Media Post Engagements

7 Quick Wins for Boosting Social Media Post Engagements

In this episode, we dive into practical strategies to boost online presence. From crafting attention-grabbing captions to leveraging multimedia content, Clarence Fisher shares seven quick wins that will transform your social media game. These actionable tips will help...

Start Automating Your Marketing Today in Just 3 Easy Steps

Start Automating Your Marketing Today in Just 3 Easy Steps

As a small business owner, how important is business marketing automation? In today's fast-paced world, falling behind is definitely not an option for small businesses. Automation is key to staying ahead. In this episode, Clarence Fisher emphasizes that automation is...

Turn First Impressions Into Lasting Connections

Turn First Impressions Into Lasting Connections

Guess what? I had my first ever colonoscopy this morning. 🙂 Hello 50!! Yes. I am working this afternoon. And yes… That was TMI. Sorry, the anesthesia hasn’t worn off yet. Imagine this scenario: You've just had an incredible first date where you laughed, discussed...

Let's Pop Those Digital Marketing Myth Bubbles!

Let's Pop Those Digital Marketing Myth Bubbles!

Have you noticed how the world of digital marketing is always changing? It feels like there's always something new to learn or adapt to. And for the most part, there is, but there are some myths and misconceptions about digital marketing out there that can slow your...