“You caught it while you were shaking hands. Their eyes just flitted down to your name tag, their facial expression says it all…”

They Know They Should Know You, Maybe…

Your name kind of rings a bell, maybe.

Aargh! After all this time in business …

All the blood, sweat, and tears you’ve poured into your business…

All the money you’ve spent on marketing tactics, trying to carve out your space in the marketplace…

THAT competitor (you know the one) is still eating your lunch.

You know you’re the better choice. Your customers know it, too.

Even though it’s obvious that YOU are the best choice in your local market – and you’ve tried just about everything to stand out from the competition …

This marketing thing continues to be a thorn in your side.

As good as you are, your business should be everywhere in your market, your business name the first to come to mind when people are looking for what you offer, even with people you haven’t yet served.

But if it’s not?

You're In The Right Place.

Even if you've struggled to put together a proactive plan of attack for marketing your business?

Even if it feels like you “missed the boat” doing digital marketing for your business?

And especially if you feel like you might just SCREAM the next time another business owner raves about some new marketing tactic you simply “must” jump on...

(I see you nodding your head.)

The next couple of minutes might just be EXACTLY what you were hoping to find when you clicked to our site…

See, I’m not going to pitch you on a single “must-have” marketing tactic. You’re not going to leave here feeling like you’re hopelessly behind the curve in getting the word out about your business.

In fact, even if you’ve hit the 7- or 8-figure mark with your business but STILL feel like you’re scraping by when it comes to marketing…

What I’m about to propose – assuming you’re a match for the kind of business owner we serve best – has the power to make your business a household name in your local market.

Why you would want that?

Because you’ve got a lot at stake. Think about all the families relying on your business thriving… your family, your team’s families, your vendors’ families – and the ripple effect your community benefits from just because your business is there.

There’s a reason growing businesses seek our help…

See, we know all the tactics. Some work great. Most are pretty lucrative for the agencies that provide them – especially because it’s an ongoing expense. To be clear, I’m not knocking tactics.

They’re necessary.

But there’s ONE thing my clients all have in common before we start working together. They don’t have a comprehensive, cohesive, and powerful marketing strategy to follow.

Minus a strategy, you’re left scrambling, trying one tactic after another… after another… after another. But with one – a good one – total marketplace domination is INEVITABLE.

Can you see why – in my private practice – I could only work with one business like yours in your city? My specialty is taking businesses like yours from having a low online presence to being OMNIPRESENT.

During the time that we'd work together – usually just between 6-12 months – we’d map out a totally CUSTOM marketing strategy for your business… one that focuses on the four crucial elements required to get as much new business as you want, whenever you want it:



Repeat Sales


Look. I DON’T want to be your marketing person.…

At the level where you’re playing, you already have one. But what you may not have is a solid strategy for them to follow – like a train on rails.

It’s like our subscriber Kevin says:

“I have a marketing person. I didn't need someone to do the marketing for me. We needed higher level strategy. I thought we'd get a checklist. We got a living breathing organism. I love his energy. Clarence gets stuff done. He brought it home!

Kevin Burr

President, Barracuda Staffing

And Tommy Keeter:

“Thank you, Clarence Fisher. I appreciate you sharing this vision with me and then helping me fulfill it. You’re helping me become the “go-to” person for my industry.”

Tommy Keeter

Franchisee, Christian Brothers Automotive

What I DO want is to make a massive difference in your business.

That’s been my drive all along… pushing people to the front of the crowd so they get the attention they deserve, shining a spotlight on them so the people they help can FIND THEM.

Don’t know if you knew this about me, but when I was coming up, I dreamed of being a rap star. It nearly happened, in fact… I opened for a couple of guys you might have heard of – Snoop Dogg? Nelly?

But that path nearly destroyed my life. I very nearly lost EVERYTHING that matters most, and long story short, I ended up waiting tables while recovering and trying to figure out what I was supposed to do with my life.

After discovering digital marketing, I rose like a phoenix from the ashes to emerge from catastrophe stronger, smarter, and more powerful.

Tracing my path from those dark days to today, I can see how blessed I’ve been to learn marketing and strategy from some of the BEST in the world: Frank Kern, Dan Kennedy, and Russell Brunson  just to name a few. Going from where I’ve been to a life where I get to coach HIGH-LEVEL business owners who are making a massive impact in their communities… I truly believe God’s got me here to shine a light on the path so others can see.

Clarence Fisher

So, if my words are hitting home with you…


If you’re an enthusiastic, eager learner who’s aware of the challenges in the marketplace and you’re willing to face them…

If you’re coachable and wise enough to learn from thought leaders…

And if you’re someone who’s willing to be thrust into the spotlight and who TAKES ACTION…

We might be a great fit to work together on your business’ marketing strategy either through our Local Market Monopoly podcast or Main Street Marketing Coach membership.

It’s not for the timid, I’ve got to warn you. But if you’re ready to OWN THE BLOCK this is the best way I can help you.

You’ve toiled in obscurity long enough… let’s get you front and center in your marketplace.

Decide which path you'd like to take:

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