The FAQ/SAQ Video Framework That Drives Conversion
Podcast by Clarence Fisher
video framework

About This Episode

In this episode, Clarence will show you how to use a simple FAQ/SAQ video framework to meet your customers where they are, establish your credibility, and prove yourself as the expert in your local industry.

By answering frequently asked questions and “should-ask” questions and sharing quick, helpful videos on your social media, you can move yourself from being an unknown to becoming a trusted authority that wins the ready-to-buy customers. Listen to this episode now!

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Clarence Fisher

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Clarence Fisher: Welcome back to Local Market Monopoly. I'm Clarence Fisher, your host, so glad that you made it back. I got to ask you a question though, are you doing all you can to be the authority in your local market? If not, now is the time to ensure that you stand out from the competition. So in this episode, I'm going to share with you a simple FAQ/SAQ video framework that will allow you to meet your customer, where they are establish your credibility and prove yourself as the expert in your local industry. By using this framework, you're going to be able to move yourself from being an unknown, to becoming the trusted authority that wins that ever, ever so valuable, ready to buy customer. So if you're tired of losing customers to your competition, you want to find out how to use this simple framework, and I'm going to show you right when we get back.

Intro: You're listening to Local Market Monopoly with Clarence Fisher, uncovering the tools, tactics, and strategies the most successful small businesses used to their local market and own the block.

Clarence Fisher: Okay. Welcome back. Thank you for sticking around. So this is what we're talking about today. If you're tired of losing customers or your competition, I'm going to share with you right now, a simple FAQ/SAQ framework to establish your credibility and prove yourself as the expert in your local industry. And you know, it starts with, I know you may be feeling like you, I mean, it's a losing battle, especially if you have some bigger, national type chains or retailers or, or whatever national competition in your backyard that you can't, you know, kind of compete with them, or maybe you have an established, I don't know, a lot of times, it's, it's basically the bigger franchises that you just feel like he can't compete with, but you may be surprised that you oftentimes have an advantage back that you know, as smaller operations. We oftentimes have an advantage that the larger franchise organizations don't have, and it's our ability to be agile and

Clarence Fisher: Actually, you know, what I'm going to share with you is we can meet our customers wherever they are. We can engage with them. And one of the most effective strategies in doing that is just creating these quick, helpful videos that answer their most frequently asked questions. And the question that's the FAQ part. And then the SAQ part is the questions that they should be asking. And I've been preaching this for, I don't know, probably 10 years. And it's just now, what's interesting, cause I'm just now starting to see some of my competitors actually actually do. And if you're listening to this, kudos to you. You are doing what works. So I think, you know, for our clients, we definitely talk about this and we've been able to do this for a number of our clients and position them as the leader.

Clarence Fisher: And this is how it works. What I want you to do is take out a piece of paper and, and think about the, very quickly think about the, the 10 questions. Most frequently asked questions that you get from people who are looking to do business with you. Prospective customers, clients, patients, what are they, what are they asking you? You get the, you get the same questions all of the time. Whether you've taken the time to document them as something something different. I think everyone should, everyone should have a book that they keep, and then there's a client problem book, call it the problem book, the customer and really every problem that your customer, your client, your patient has, you want to write that down. And if you're in sales, you really should know all of the objections that you're being asked anyway, but take those 10 frequently asked questions.

Clarence Fisher: Then, what I'd like you to do is make space to write down the 10 questions people should be asking, but they just don't know to ask. You know, if you had a, I like to say, if you had a relative, your let's say, it's your sister or your mother or your father, and they're looking for someone in your profession, what would you have them ask if you weren't in this field? You know, what, what would you have them ask someone else that's in, that's in this field, right? Can we, I mean, we all have that, make sure you ask them this and make sure you see about this, right? Are they going to do this? Write those down. And now what we're going to do is record very quickly, two minutes or less videos answering those questions. So start with the most frequently asked question, take the first question.

Clarence Fisher: And you can break out your cell phone. These do not have to be that's the beauty of today. These do not have to be fully produced videos, how you can do that. I think Brad O'Hara who we interviewed, who we interviewed, had a great interview with earlier and a couple of several weeks ago, he owns Dream Catcher Studio, which is, which is so awesome, but they have this package where you could do this and he directs you and you can just kind of write down your questions and go through it there, but you can also do this with your cell phone and in today's age, you know, what makes great video and people and people like you being real. So just take the question and a couple of ways that you can do this.

Clarence Fisher: You can say, Hey, my name is Clarence with Tulsa Internet Marketing and one of the questions that I always, that I get asked quite a bit is this. Which makes it's a great question. So what you might be facing is this issue. And, uh, really the answer to that, the way that we see it is this answer and how you go about fixing that is this solution. Now you can do this yourself, or if you, if you'd like us to help you, we can definitely help you. But if this video helps somebody you know, if you know someone facing this situation, go ahead and pass this to them and hope it hope this helps you.

Clarence Fisher: And that's it. Answer the question, let them know that you can help if they want, and then move on to the next question. And when you get to the should ask questions, you know, it's really funny when people find your frequently asked questions, they think, man, this person is really knowledgeable, but it's this should ask questions that pull them over the top to thinking that you are the expert, because they're listening to this and they're like, wow, that makes total sense. I would not have thought to ask that.

Clarence Fisher: Now, not only are you answering the questions that they have, but you're saying, Hey, you know, really, you should be asking this about a mortgage. Really? You should be asking this when you go visit a home. Really. You should be asking this to your auto mechanic that positions you as the expert. Now what we're going to do when you have those videos, of course, we're going to put them out. And the way that I'd like to start, number one, now you have 20 videos, okay? You have 20 videos and you don't have to put them all out at once, better edits. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't even recommend it. What I would recommend is that you put one video out per week, you can do this, okay. That's 20 weeks worth of video. That's five months. You can easily get a year's worth of content.

Clarence Fisher: If you just continue to do this. But put a one out a week and posted on Facebook. Of course you can even put a few dollars behind it if you want. Start a YouTube channel, okay. Create a YouTube channel, put it on YouTube. This is the exact same video. Put that video on Facebook, upload it directly, put that video on YouTube. Uh, you can actually, after you upload it to YouTube, you can take the link on YouTube and you can post it on Facebook again. Okay. This is on your business page. If you have a Twitter account, if your people hang out on Twitter, toss it on Twitter, but definitely post that same video on LinkedIn. You can have that video transcribed at a service like Timmy, TEMI, which is a machine that transcription for, I think it's 10 cents a minute, super cheap, 10 cents per minute of video.

Clarence Fisher: So if you have a two minute video, that's 20 cents to have that transcribed. And if you have a blog, you can put that audio on your blog and then go to YouTube and grab the share link or the share code, and then embed that code at the top of that blog post. So now you have the video and then you have the transcription, a text at the bottom. So you've got your SEO there. And plus you hit people who want to do the video and people who want to read it and just doing that once a week, what does that take you? 30 minutes, 15 minutes. You know what you get, you get the hang of it. You can have someone, you can have front desk to do this. If you just take a few moments, maybe once a month and take an hour or two and knock these videos out and then create a process for a front desk. We actually share a process like this with our Inner Circle members.

Clarence Fisher: You can go to localmarketmonopoly.com and find out about the Inner Circle. You know, it's super cheap to be a part of, but we walk our members through this, but I'm giving you the the framework right, right now. So you can do it. And this is a prime example of giving the value of that, where someone could do it on their own, right? Um, and then if they want your help, then they can go a little further and get your help. But you have develop to Goodwill. If you haven't noticed my, this entire podcast, this entire Local Market Monopoly podcast is based on that framework of giving to the marketplace, giving to you, the business owner, developing Goodwill in the market, in the marketplace, giving you everything you need. And I have conversations all the time with people who call and say, Hey, I've been listening to your podcast and just wanted to reach out to you.

Clarence Fisher: And let's have a strategy session. Let's see if we can take it to the next level. Exactly. So you're having fun, you're feeling good about giving, about helping your market, but the people who are ready to buy will call you and say, Hey, I'm ready to buy, which you know, which what's happens. So, get your videos together. Frequently asked questions, should ask questions, record the answers. Let's commit to putting one of those out per week. Do Facebook, YouTube, put it on LinkedIn, Twitter, wherever else you may go, I don't know a lot of people doing a Tiktok, a lot of B2B people that are doing Tiktok right now, but I'm sure it's going to be a thing. But that's the framework in a nutshell. So do it, and let me know how that, I want to know how it works out for you. Okay. So until next week, what you gotta do is just take some time and knock it out. And if you need some help, you can go to Clarencefisher.com/ask and ask a question there and we'll get that answered on the air. Or you can just go to Local Market Monopoly and check out the Inner Circle and see what we have there. But either way, we'll be back with some tactics that you can use next week.

Outro: We appreciate you listening to Local Market Monopoly. Be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to the show and visit ClarenceFisher.com for more resources that will help you dominate your local market and own the block.


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Episode 44: Content At Scale: The Repurpose Machine