YouTube Lead Generation: How to Leverage the World’s Second Largest Search Engine
Podcast by Clarence Fisher
lead generation

About This Episode

Tapping into YouTube for Lead Generation

In this episode, we uncover the untapped potential of YouTube as a platform for lead generation. It's the second largest search engine in the world, with a user base of over 2 billion users per month. I'll share how you can harness this platform's potential to attract and convert leads.

YouTube 101: Understanding the Platform

Firstly, we'll break down YouTube as a platform. Understanding the demographics, user behavior, and video trends on YouTube is critical to generating leads effectively.

A solid understanding of YouTube as a platform is the first step in leveraging it for lead generation.

Creating Engaging Videos: The Art and Science of Captivating Content

Content is king, especially on YouTube. We'll explore how to create videos that are engaging, shareable, and most importantly, convert viewers into leads.

Effective video content engages viewers, inspires shares, and encourages leads.

SEO for YouTube: Optimizing Your Videos for Maximum Visibility

Much like Google, YouTube has its own set of SEO best practices. We’ll walk through how to optimize your videos and channel to be easily discoverable by your target audience.

Proper Video SEO practices boost your video’s visibility, attracting more potential leads.

Call-To-Actions and Lead Capture: Driving Audience Action

We explore how to create compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) within your videos and on your channel. Plus, learn the art of effective lead capture techniques tailored to YouTube.

Well-placed CTAs and smart lead capture techniques are key in converting viewers into leads.

YouTube Ads: Expanding Reach and Targeting Potential Leads

Lastly, we dive into the world of YouTube advertising. Learn how to leverage ads to reach your target audience and convert them into qualified leads.

YouTube ads can significantly enhance your lead generation strategy by reaching a larger, targeted audience.

Join us for this episode and get ready to turn those views into leads!

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Clarence Fisher

Disclaimer: The transcription below is provided for your convenience. Please excuse any mistakes that the automated service made in translation.

Clarence Fisher: Hey, welcome back to Local Market Monopoly, Clarence Fisher, your host. It's episode 86 and we're diving into YouTube marketing for lead generation. We're not talking about paid ads, we're talking about organic leads from YouTube when we get back. Whoa.

Intro: You're listening to Local Market Monopoly with Clarence Fisher uncovering the tools, tactics and strategies the most successful small businesses use to dominate their local market and own the block.

Clarence Fisher: Alright, we're back. We are back. That. Where did that come from? I have no idea. No idea where that came from. All right. Clarence Fisher, glad you made it back. Of course, I'm going to let you know about MainStreetMarketingCoach.com. If you've not been over to other, check it out. You can get coaching on all this stuff that we cover, either you or your head of marketing, coaching training and the tools and strategies and all that good stuff, including what we're talking about today, YouTube marketing. Now, here's the thing. A lot of people think about just ads when it comes to YouTube, and it can be really tempting to just rely on ads, especially if you don't have a YouTube channel that you've built, which can take a bit of time. YouTube building a YouTube channel was kind of like podcasting a you, and then it's kind of like planting a tree, right?
The best time to start would've been five years ago, but you know the answer to this. What is the next best time to start exactly, right now! So if you want to build a YouTube channel, definitely start doing that. And as you're doing that, that's what we're going to concentrate on today is organic generating leads organically through YouTube, not just with your ads. Now, first of all, why would you start a YouTube channel? I think that's a rhetorical question. YouTube gets over 14 billion visits per month coming from 1.7 billion unique monthly visitors. That's almost 700,000 hours of video being streamed on YouTube every single minute. The sheer scale of it is astounding. So if you've been building a YouTube channel, again, kudos to you. If you haven't, you should probably start now, but start posting content regularly. I just want to remind you with this episode that you can extract more value from your video than just running ads.
Now on your videos for sure, the number one thing you want to do is make a CTA or a call to action somewhere in all of your videos. Definitely by the end, you want the listener to take some type of action. And what was this? This, I can't remember what year this started, but I mean, I got into digital marketing probably about 2009, 2008, and from the very beginning with YouTube, one of the hacks that we used, it started out as a hack. Now it's just commonplace, and you should do it too with your videos, and that's put a clickable link in the video description. Now, everybody looks for the links in the description and the landing page that you send them to. Yes, you want to send people to a landing page, so you have your video that you've created and you want to send people to a landing page that is close to what you're talking about.
A lot of times, even in paid ads, what I see, the mistake that I see people make is they send someone, you'll send someone to your homepage of your website, which I guess is better than nothing, but what you really want to do is send someone to a page that is really closely tied to what they just saw. So if it is an ad, you want them, you want them to go to a landing page that is about that ad, and they can only do a couple of things. Typically either call you or put in their email address. YouTube is no different. It lets you add a clickable link to the video description, so you need to do that. People are already trained to go there and make it the first thing, the first thing in the description is some type of hook for what they're going to get and the link that you have, because YouTube is going to cut off the description to where you have to click see more.
You don't want that. Of course, you want to put other stuff under this, under the read more, see more or whatever it is when it expands. You want to have more things there, but even if they do not click that, you want them to see where you want them to go next, so they're watching the video, then they click the link. Another thing you can use is what's called video cards, and these are specific ways for you to add clickable links throughout your video. Typically, people are putting them at the end, but you can put up to, I believe, five video cards in your YouTube video. So I would recommend kind of scattering them, peppering them throughout the video. This does a couple of things. It allows you to keep asking for the call to action for people to subscribe to your channel, but what we're trying to do right now is to get them to go and enter their email for you so that they can get a free consultation or whatever type of offer that you're making or for them to call is what we're looking for, but you can get subscribers that way, but put the cards throughout your video so that number one, you have multiple call to actions, but also you're keeping their attention.
So as the video is going, especially if you are doing a talking head video where you're maybe answering a frequently asked question and you don't have this video editor extraordinaire that's making everything kind of fly across behind you, and all these props are coming in, use the cards to have a pattern interrupt and keep their attention. Okay, so we've got your link in the description. Now we have video cards going throughout your video. Another way that you could use YouTube is to create some type of quiz or giveaway and link to that. So in your video, you're telling them that to click the link and be taken to a quiz, you want to incentivize them for that as well, and the quiz needs to be tied to whatever you're talking to in the video. For example, if have a, let's say you have a cleaning supply video and you have a cleaning business.
Well, your video is talking about the best way to clean floors. Well, your quiz needs to ask them relevant questions about cleaning methods and cleaning supplies, and then you want to offer them a chance to win a product, maybe one of your products for free if they get the answers right, and then they'll be willing to give you their contact information for that. Just make sure that where you're sending them, as I say, again, where you're sending them needs to be relevant to whatever your video is. So if you can use a quiz or some type of giveaway, definitely use that.
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We talked about giveaway campaigns very, very early in the podcast. It was episode five with Jeremy Friedland where he walks through how to create giveaway campaigns. It will be a good episode to visit to wrap your mind around that, and so what that would do is tie into your video, so you create the video, add the link to your giveaway campaign and go from there. Offer free stuff, free samples, free products. This is one thing that has been a tried and true kind of thing forever is MO Businesses stood on this free sample free trial. You get the, even software. Software does it a lot, sign up for a week free trial.
When you go to Sam's Club or Costco, the person in the aisle is like, Hey, here's a free trial. You go to the mall, somebody's trying to give you something on a toothpick like, Hey, here's a free trial. A lot of people use the free trial. You can use that with your video as well. Who doesn't love free stuff? So towards the end of the video, you can have this as a call to action, and if you don't want to give a free trial, you can do this kind of video that's called Open the Box, and so you see, man, they've got you kids, kids, kids, kids are making millions of dollars doing this, and they're basically taking a toy, opening it up, showing the toy, and then playing with the toy. I mean, this got so big years ago, it just used to blow my mind that my grandbaby would sit there and look and spend hours, hours on YouTube looking at some kid play with toys she did not have.
I'm like, what? Huh? But I guess it's the same. You got teenagers and even sometimes grown men looking at videos of other people playing video games that they are not playing. So I don't know when that became a thing, but it became a thing. I know these kids were like, you got middle-aged men sitting on the couch watching people play sports that they're not playing, so I get it. All right, TJ own, but you could do that. It's called Open the Box. You take your product and you have the camera to where you are unboxing, you are unboxing whatever your product is, and showing the person what they would get if they either purchased or they signed up for the newsletter or whatever. Even if you have a digital product, you could log in to kind of do a screen share and or screen recording and walk through the modules of that product, what people would get and show them that way, and then say, Hey, you can get this module for free.
All you got to do is go here and sign to our list. Speaking of sign on to our list, the newsletter subscription is the Gold Standard, the flagship. What we want people to do is to get on our newsletter for sure, and you can put that link in the description as well. A lot of people don't think about YouTube for that reason, but what I've given you is you can get them to sign up for your newsletter. You can get them to go to a landing page on your website, preferably, that landing page is really closely tied to whatever the video is. If you don't have that, go ahead and send them to your homepage, but put the link wherever you're sending them. Put the link in the description of your video and on these videos, I'm g I would really, if you're like, Hey, Clarence, I don't even know what to make a video about, use, answer the public, go to Answer the Public type in your topic, whatever your business is about, and it will pull up the questions that people are asking, what people are searching for as it pertains to what you do, and record videos about those.
If you really wanted to, you could just take one question, title your video about that question. You can go to, what is it? Headline Studio is what we're using now, Headline Studio, and type in, Ooh, we, man, this is just kind of coming to me right here.
You, you're witnessing this real hand, real time. So if I'm going to answer the public and I type in my topic, I take one of those questions, plug it into one of those questions that people are asking, plug it into Headline Studio, which is an AI headline, an analyzer that we use, and Headline Studio will grade that headline. You've not written a headline yet, you just really put in whatever answer the public has given you, but here's the trick. Click the headline AI button and then say it gives you the option to click. What are alternatives to my headline? Click that button and Headline Studio will give you a list of possible headlines for that. Okay? As I'm thinking, if you didn't want to use Headline Studio, you could just use chatGPT as well and tell chatGPT. Give me 10 headlines about this topic and
chatGPT will give you some headlines to use. I'm sitting here thinking you probably want to do that because Headline Studio, I think they have a free option, but we use a paid option, but you can use chatGPT for that. Anyway, after you have those headlines, find one that's compelling, make that the headline for your video, and then record the video about that. Put your links in there and all that mess, everything that we just covered. You just saw me, I just had this marketing brain fart for a second, and sorry, I took your time on that. Okay, but do it though. Alrighty, so that's for today and YouTube Marketing. What are we going to cover on the next episode? When you get back, I'm going to give you, speaking of AI, five of the biggest game-changing ways that AI is going to shape the future of marketing.
It is crazy what is happening. We are moving so fast. Not only just AI, but AI is making it to where we can do so much more, so much quicker. I had a buddy text me yesterday day before and he said, Hey, man, how do I get started with AI? I know this is a, how do I get started learning about ai? I know this is a loaded question, and it is, and I had to send it back like, okay, where do you want to start? It really is like this, that. Look at everything you're doing right now and pick one thing, because AI can make just about anything at this point faster and sometimes better than what we can do. So what is it? What's one thing that you're doing right now that you wish you could do faster or better, and let's start there.
But next week I'm going to share with you five ways that the future of marketing is just changing, and we definitely want you to stay ahead of the game. Speaking of AI, our sponsor, Local Marketer Pro, which has is the all in one marketing software that we have. AI is Chat GPT as a matter of fact, is integrated in that. So when you're writing emails, you can have your emails automatically written for you, your social media posts, so that you don't have to continue coming up with stuff, and let's say you've got 30 social media posts that you want written, and then you can schedule those to go out to Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, wherever you have platforms, all that stuff, all in the same software as your email and your text messaging and all that stuff. So go check it out, localmarketerpro.com. That's going to do it for today. If you like what you heard, go ahead and share it now. Tag me, hashtag Local Market Monopoly, and until next episode, go own your block.

Closing: We appreciate you listening to Local Market Monopoly. Be sure to rate, review and subscribe to the show and visit localmarketmonopoly.com for more resources that will help you dominate your local market and own the block.


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Episode 87: 5 Game-Changing Ways AI is Shaping the Future of Marketing