The Customer Feedback System
Podcast by Clarence Fisher
customer feedback system

About This Episode

In this episode, we will discuss the benefits of implementing a customer feedback system and how not having one may hurt your small business. Your business’s reputation is paramount to your profitability, so it is crucial to respond to all online feedback immediately and know how to collect it and use it to enhance your reputation and overall customer experience.

Listen here to discover how a comprehensive customer feedback system works and enables you to connect with your customers more effectively. Plus, we’ll show you how you can use the feedback to shape your business’s marketing strategies.

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Clarence Fisher

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Clarence Fisher: Welcome back to Local Market Monopoly. I am Clarence Fisher, your host. And today we're going to talk about the customer feedback system. Listen, if you don't have a customer feedback system implanted into your business, you're losing money. Having one is paramount, not only to increase your authority in your local market but also to increase your profitability. So don't go anywhere. We're going to not only cover a comprehensive customer feedback system but also show you how you can use it to kind of guide your business marketing strategies. We'll be right back.

Intro: You're listening to Local Market Monopoly with Clarence Fisher, uncovering the tools tactics, and strategies. The most successful small businesses use in their local market and own the block.

Clarence Fisher: Alright. So let's talk about your customer feedback system and what it is. Basically. It's something, it is a system that you put into place to constantly get feedback from your customers. And I'll tell you this, once you have the system in place, this is the first step before it's part of and the first step to getting more, more five star reviews, more reviews on Google or Facebook or home advisors or wherever you get reviews. This is the very first step and it's telling your team. We really want to know what's on the mind of our customers, our clients, our patients, what's on the mind of our prospects. One of the first things I want you to do is I want you to go to google.com/alert and create an alert for your business name. I mean, this isn't really part of the feedback system, but actually, it can be.

Clarence Fisher: And actually it really can be. I mean, you want to know if you're being mentioned online and what Google will do is it will send you an alert every either every day or every week, and it will alert you on whatever keywords you put in there. So I would advise putting in number one, your name, and then putting in your business name. And if you want to put a competitor in there, that's fine. But definitely, every key person that you have at your business, if it's if you're not the owner, put the owner's name in there, any vice presidents or presidents, any key person that has visibility in your business, put their name and Google alerts, so that you can know what people are saying about you and your company online. So now let's talk about this feedback system. Okay? One of the things you can do is just plain all email your existing customers and ask them what do they think, kind of get their feedback and if it's negative, then you need to fix it, right?

Clarence Fisher: And if it's positive at that point, you can say, Hey, I really appreciate the feedback that you're giving us. Do you mind going here and leaving us a review or leaving that online? That's one way that you can do that. But one of the ways that we started doing, and I would recommend that you do is kind of create this page on your website, where you can get into the habit of sending customers or clients after you have served them. So kind of create that page. And it's kind of a review page that you put on your website, and it's just you doing a survey about the business and how did they, what kind of business, what kind of service did they get? And, you know, what's really cool is after you get this, this should go to anybody hits the word system.

Clarence Fisher: You want to ask any, and everybody that you serve, which is why which is the benefit of sending them to this page. Instead of sending them straight to Google is if it's negative, again, you have a chance, an opportunity to fix it. And then if it's positive, then you can ask them to kind of put that review out there, but it could be really simple, right? So you could have a link to this feedback page that is on your website. And it's just, it could just say, please rate your experience with us. Maybe that's a link that's on your email, okay? They say, Hey, please rate your experience with us. And they click that link. And then they can go to the feedback page that you set up. If you have, we did this for a bookstore. Once we created these review cards. So at the point of sale, any person would get their receipt at that time.

Clarence Fisher: And then they would get a card. And the review card was a link to their, their feedback page. One thing you don't want to do is you don't want to incentivize people to give you great feedback. You used to see that a lot. Hey, we'll give you, you'll be entered into a drawing. If you, if you go and leave us a good review, what you can do, if you absolutely just want to is you can incentivize them for taking the time to leave you a good review, but I've been just kind of staying away from the whole incentivizing anything. So one of the things we want to do is we want this to become a part of your business, your team, and needs to know to send people to this review page, get it put up on your website. That's a feedback page. And just tell everybody, Hey, we want to know everyone's feedback.

Clarence Fisher: How did we do, please rate us, how did we do? And you can ask whatever questions you want, it's on your website and really what you're looking for. You're looking for two things. If it just wasn't great for that person, you're looking for an opportunity to fix it and then, and then an opportunity to fix your system. And then the other thing is you're looking for great feedback that you can turn into either a testimonial for your website or any of your marketing materials, or ask them to go and leave a review on Google or something like that. So how else can you get people to your review page? Once you've got that up, you could do postcards. You could do direct mail. And uh, if you want to know, man, if you really want to know how to do direct mail, really, really well. Well, if you will look up Evan Uyetake, there's a podcast episode that we did with him right here on this podcast, Local Market Monopoly.

Clarence Fisher: I can't remember what number, what episode that was, but it's direct mail strategies. It's with Evan Uyetake. Just kind of scroll through the podcast list there and listen to that because Evan is the man when it comes to direct mail, but use every everything that you have on your business cards, typically they're blank on the back, put a link to your feedback page on there, put a link to your feedback page in your email signature, put it on your website. Like I said, use direct mail. And the main thing is to get everybody on your team, employees, team members, everybody sending people to your customer feedback page. There, the system, the system, the system, the system is really just getting people to send people to that page. And then you find out if it's either negative or positive.

Clarence Fisher: Here's the thing, and this is what I run into is it is going to get exhausting, making sure your team does this. You have to put measurements in place, kind of things that trigger you to randomly check, to make sure that this is being done because it is super important. Here's one thing, if you stop getting customer feedback, number one, you stop being able to improve your business. But also people panic when they get bad reviews. And next week, we're going to talk about how to handle negative reviews. So make sure you tune in next week on how to handle negative reviews, but they happen. And typically, I mean, if you have a feedback system in place, you don't necessarily have to worry, about too many bad reviews because they're going to get pushed down the few times that it happens. Hopefully, it's not a few, but few and far between that it happens.

Clarence Fisher: It gets pushed down pretty quickly if you have a system in place on getting customer reviews. So that's it. For this episode, really what you want to do is get with your web person and have them put a page on your website. If you don't have a web person, you can get in touch with us and we'll help you out and get it done for you, but put a page on your website and that page can have one or two or three or however many questions you feel like you need to ask someone to make sure, to see if they had a good experience with you. I'll tell you the least, how, how to say the least amount of information that you're asking for, the more forms you will get filled out. If you're just asking to rate you or yeah, I would just ask, how was it one to 10 or whatever.

Clarence Fisher: And then, and then if it's really low, then ask them to actually, it really doesn't matter what it is. I would ask them. I would ask them to provide more feedback on their answer and that's it. It could just be two forms for you, two fields for you. Get it on your website and then link to it from everywhere. And then there's your feedback system. And again, if it's negative, if you get negative feedback, reach out to them and fix it A S A P. And if it's positive, reach back out to them, A S A P and ask him if you can use that as a testimonial, or you can send them at that point, you can create a Google link. Google allows you to do this. Now, back in the day, man, it was so difficult to get a link to your review page, but Google actually allows you to create a link that goes right to a place where they can leave you a Google review.

Clarence Fisher: So you can send that to them after they've left you some really great feedback. And if you would like to send them on to that, all right? So if you liked today's episode or any episode, just go to, let us know, post it on Facebook or Instagram or LinkedIn or wherever, and tag us with the hashtag Local Market Monopoly or hashtag own the block, either or those are our hashtags. And then also please review or rate us on Apple Podcast or Stitcher or wherever else you listen to the podcast. Now be sure to come back next week, because we're going to talk about how to handle negative reviews. I mean, they don't happen often, but you definitely want to have a process, a system in place when they do happen. So take what I've taught you here. Take action and go do what you have to do in order to own the block.

: We appreciate you listening to Local Market Monopoly. Be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to the show and visit ClarenceFisher.com for more resources that will help you dominate your local market and own the block.


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Episode 25: How to Respond To Negative Reviews