Leading From Strengths With Cynthia Stewart
Podcast by Clarence Fisher
Leading from Strengths, Cynthia Stewart

About This Episode

“There's nothing more energizing than leading from strengths. Nothing.”         -Cynthia Stewart

In this episode, Clarence Fisher talks with Cynthia Stewart about how business owners and leaders can establish an innovative work culture that delivers high employee engagement and exceptional results by helping everyone on their team to lead from their strengths.

Listen now for insightful ways to accelerate your leadership growth and team performance!

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Clarence Fisher

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Cynthia Stewart: Just make sure that you, as a company leader, as a company owner realize your greatest asset. And the one unlimited resource that you have is the potential of your people. And when you start to help them tap into the potential through discovering their talents and their strengths and how they're uniquely wired to for greatness, I mean, it makes a world of difference.

Clarence Fisher: Hey, welcome back to Local Market Monopoly. I'm Clarence Fisher. And today we are going to talk about, we're going to dive into leading from your strengths. If you're a business owner and you want to grow your profits, you want to enlarge your impact, catapult your business. You have to figure out a way to consistently lead from your strengths. And not only that your team finding out their strengths, where are they best suited, where should they be, and getting them to lead from their strengths. That is what our, our guest today specializes in. Her name is Cynthia Stewart. She's regarded as a business transformer, a dedicated leader herself, and has served as an insightful advisor to not only me but also businesses that are 10 times, 20 times my size. I haven't seen her in action, which is why I'm bringing her on today to share with you how to identify your streams lead within them and grow your business. Hang on. We'll be right back with Cynthia Stewart.

Intro: You're listening to Local Market Monopoly with Clarence Fisher, uncovering the tools, tactics, and strategies. The most successful small businesses use to dominate their local market and own the block.

Clarence Fisher: Hey Cynthia, welcome to the show. How are you?

Cynthia Stewart: Great, Clarence. It's great to be on your show. I'm loving it.

Clarence Fisher: Hi. Great to have you. So tell us about Evermore services and how you're helping your clients.

Cynthia Stewart: I've worked with literally hundreds of teams and thousands of people in my career in corporate America and also my own business as a business owner. And I consult now small business owners, primarily leaders because what I'd find is that leadership teams don't operate at their full capacity. And in fact, there's an alarming rate of dysfunction among leadership teams that challenge the company's ability to even stay profitable, stay in business. And that's, that's the arena I love playing in now is to help people stay in business longer and have better, a lot more fun at it.

Clarence Fisher: Yeah. That's great. I know we've met. I don't know.

Clarence Fisher: Has it been three years? Four years?

Clarence & Cynthia: It's been long enough long enough for both of us to forget. Yeah. It's been three or four years at least. Yeah.

Clarence Fisher: Awesome. And so much has been done in those in those years. One thing that I respect and know about you is that you are a connector. Like, you know, if there's anybody in the city that I know, if I need to get in touch with you, you have them on your, on your Rolodex. I don't know how that's happened, but now we've come to this leading from strengths and you know, what's the, can you explain the benefits and the advantages of leading from strengths?

Cynthia Stewart: Yeah. And I get to witness this every day and it's really, really, it just powers. It empowers me, charges me up. Well, I help leaders really discover the genius and the challenges embedded within each team member and also within the team itself. And I find that when I help them use the right tools, they attend some of my workshops and then they gain some coaching that those leaders that work with me are able to enjoy more. I mean, their lives just sort of beginning to take shape and there's less stress around their business. They engage more, their employees just end up being happier and more engaged and they produce more. So it's just a wonderful space to work in. There's nothing more energizing for leaders and their teams. And for me to be working from my strengths.

Clarence Fisher: And when we talk about strengths, we're talking about Clifton strengths, right?

Cynthia Stewart: We are, we are talking about Clifton strengths.

Clarence Fisher: Cool. So I know this is one of the tests or what do you call that assessment?

Cynthia Stewart: It's an assessment. Yeah,

Clarence Fisher: Great. That a lot of people take I've had my whole family take it. Of course, they think I'm crazy when they're over for dinner. And I'm like, here, take this assessment.

Cynthia Stewart: Christmas presents.

Clarence Fisher: You sort of seen it in my, my daughters were like, you know, I'm like, I want to get to know you better. I'm like, they're like, ah, this is weird.

Cynthia Stewart: Yeah. Well, it's going to play well, I've done the same thing with my family. And we've sat around many, a Christmas table talking about our talents.

Clarence Fisher: Yeah. So what, so what are the biggest myths that you find that are out there when it comes to someone leading from their strengths?

Cynthia Stewart: Well, one of the things that I find is that people consider it to be a personality test. Oh, I've taken the personality tests, I've done the disc and I've done the Myers Briggs, and I've done the Birkman. And one of the things that I think is really, really important is to understand the basis for those different assessments. And I will say their assessments because the test is, is there's a true or false, there's no true or false. So it's not a test. It's simply an assessment that gives you your talent profile. This talent profile was developed based on hundreds of thousands of interviews with highly successful people because they were looking at what were the talents that could drive a person to be highly successful. And they came up with this taxonomy of about 34 strengths. So the biggest difference is that talents are the Clifton strengths really aim at success. So how can you be successful? So it gives you some things about how can you be successful at relating to people? How can you be successful at achieving things or getting things done? How can you be successful at influencing others and persuading others? And how can you be successful at planning and navigating and things like that? In other words, thinking, so just looking at those four arenas, it really just covers that landscape to help you be more successful in your life. And that's the difference is just that aiming to succeed.

Clarence Fisher: And you work with many small business owners and executives high level?

Cynthia Stewart: Yes. Mostly I work with the CEO owner of the company and their teams.

Clarence Fisher: Okay. All right. Great. And so when, when they're thinking about deploying this to their, to their teams and maybe a workshop, or maybe we pull back and just say, Hey, just getting started. What are some of the misconceptions that they have about what it takes?

Cynthia Stewart: Most people don't really understand without, you know, a series of conversations. They don't understand how to place it in their company. They may feel like when you have to go out and hire someone, a coach to help you really leverage the tool that it's gonna cost too much. And really, I think when people can really think about cost overall, but what does it cost to take the assessment, the 10 workshops, and gain some coaching. They fail to realize what's the benefit. What's the offset of that. What's the return on that? And here's, what's so interesting about Clifton strengths and so great is that Gallup has done some wonderful research and they know for a fact, now the research shows that on average, a person just taking their assessment, you get a 7% bump in productivity. So let's just do some simple numbers. If you have a person that's a hundred thousand dollar salary and they take the test and on average, you get a 7% bump.

Cynthia Stewart: So for $50, you've just gained $7,000. So let's say it's not even 7%, even if it's 1%, I mean, it's such a return on investment that it's hard to see how that's going to cost too much, but then if you go further and you actually give training and workshops, so that teams really know how to leverage their talents with each other, you know how to really aim the talents towards specific outcomes. In fact, I just spoke with a leader today. And on Friday we have a specific outcome that we're going to work in for an hour. We're going to work together with the strengths to really achieve that outcome. When you know that you can do that and you get really good at doing that. In other words, aiming talents at the kind of outcome that you want and you get there faster and better.

Cynthia Stewart: It's. I mean, it's really priceless. So it's not like it costs too much. And I could go on with other misconceptions, like time, but I feel like, well, you, you have to exchange. You have to realize it's an exchange of time when you invest in something good and positive, like strengths to really build out a better culture and to operate better as a team you're saving the time that you are wasting for outcomes that you don't achieve for relationships that are broken, for teams that are really in dysfunction mode. And it offsets all those costs and all that time and stress related to that. So it's a wonderful exchange exchanging what's broken for what will work well and lead to excellence.

Clarence Fisher: That's great. I know time and money is always a big one,

Cynthia Stewart: Always, always, and every case.

Clarence Fisher: Right. Right. So with the small business owners are there, if we get past the time and we get past the money, are there any other fears that they may have going forth with getting everyone to lead? I would think that they would want people to lead from their strengths, but

Cynthia Stewart: Yes. And there are, well, one of them, it was interesting. I was talking with a person and they said, Oh, so you're going to do the talents. And then we're going to find out what their talents are. And, but they have to do their jobs. I mean, there's a certain job and they have to do those jobs and backed away from strengths because they were concerned that if they identify the talents of a person, this is to me in my mind, doesn't work real well. But if they identify the talents of the person and those talents don't match the job they're in, they still have to do the job. So we shouldn't do strengths and let them know what their talents are. It's kind of like, wait, that's Oh, that hurts my brain to even think like that. So one of the things is, so what if we discover that somebody is a misfit for the job?

Cynthia Stewart: Well, you should be really happy about that, because guess what, if they're a misfit they're taking longer, they're less satisfied. They're not happy. They're likely stressed and not, you know, they're just not happy in the job. It's really not playing to their strengths. And you've got to play to people's talents to engage them in the work you just do. So to think that, well, God, I'm going to have to redefine the roles or I'm going to really all of that kind of sorts itself out. And the truth is that with talents, you can say, here's the role. Let's look at your talents and find out how you can achieve those things that maybe you aren't even good at by using tools, by using partnerships, by using other ways to help you get that job done. So that's one of the big ones I've run into, you know, there's others like, well, this strength stuff just seems like, Oh my God, 34

Cynthia Stewart: I mean, it just seems like a lot to learn. And really it's easier than you think because really all you need to do is get good at your talents and let other people get good at their talents. And collectively you all figure it out together. And so you don't have to know all 34 talents and you don't have to know all the language. Really, all you're trying to do is learn about yourself and know where you function best and help your people know more about themselves and where they function better and together figure out how to operate so that, you know, you're pulling in the talents that are really the best. So for instance, you knew, I know you have competition, high Clarence, and I don't like competitions really low. So if I want somebody to think competitively or figure it out, how to win, I'm coming to you.

Cynthia Stewart: Cause that's not, that'd be natural for me. And you mentioned how connected I am. Well, connectedness is one of my top three strengths and, I've taken it a few times. So it runs, it could be my top one. Usually, it's about my top. It's one of my tops. Connectedness is really important to me. So connecting with people, learning their stories, hearing about them. It's just something I love doing. So if it looks like I'm connecting, that's just because I'm playing to my strengths, which I love doing. So when we play to our strengths, we do things we really love naturally.

Clarence Fisher: This is so true. When I finally took the assessment and I saw my wife would tell me all the time, you're so competitive. And I was like, no, I'm not. I just keep track of everything where everybody's at. And then I took the assessment and number one was

Cynthia Stewart: Learner's. Number one in competitions

Clarence Fisher: Was number one. And what that told me, tying into what you just said was I probably ought to be teaching this stuff. I mean, you know, we have a done for your agency, but I feel alive when I'm, you know, I met you at a workshop.

Cynthia Stewart: Uh huh.

Speaker 2: Learning the new things, new ways and teaching that immediately and strengths gave me that. So that is exactly what you're talking about. Right?

Cynthia Stewart: Exactly. Exactly what I'm talking about. Like working in your there's, nothing more energizing and working in your strengths sound nothing.

Clarence Fisher: So does anybody, anyone ever ask you? I'm sure it's in the back of her mind. What if this doesn't work? What if I take the time and the money and introduce my staff and

Cynthia Stewart: I love that question. Well, it only doesn't work if you don't work. So what that means is, you know, here's, what's great about strengths is that it's all about learning about ourselves, right? And then it's about learning about other people. I mean, I can't imagine anything more rewarding than learning about myself and what I do well and what I don't do. Well. I mean, there's plenty of things I don't do well. Right, Clarence. So, and then it's really fun to learn about other people and their talents and see how they are wired completely. Like my daughter opposites, opposite of me, opposite of me. So what's so great is it sort of pulls you in and the more that you're willing to learn and like the way that I learned it is literally I would listen to while I was getting dressed in the morning, I've listened to a podcast or while I was driving somewhere, I've listened to a podcast and Sullivan, Shirley.

Cynthia Stewart: I just began to understand how this all worked and how we could use strengths in so many ways. Like, it's unbelievable how we can target our strengths in so many ways. I mean, we can target it inside families in relationships anyway. So it doesn't work if you take the test and you read the test and you put it on the shelf, that doesn't work in terms of it. I mean, it'll give you a bump in productivity. It'll interest you. But if you take those extra steps to learn a little bit more about your talents and learn by doing, by using them, okay, I'm going to do today. I'm going to do which talent am I going to use when I'm talking with Clarence today? Well, I think I'm going to use a little strategy. I'll probably use connectedness for sure. And of course, I want to use a relater cause I really liked relating to Clarence. So, you know, if you, if you just take everything you do and you go, what talents can I use when I do that. So I'm really on. It really just helps. So Clarence, you just have to work. It works if you don't work it.

Clarence Fisher: That makes sense. That makes sense. You know, and I like when you just said, I will use this and this conversation, I was telling my brother in law over a holiday, that when you have the self-awareness to the level of being able to understand yourself and being able to understand or know more about the people around you, I mean, conversations become different. I mean, you can actually, you know, you can stop and instead of going, I just understand better. I told him that it's almost like a matrix where I could just pause in the middle of this conversation. Kind of look at it from this angle because I know this person's strengths and I know mine, you know, it's really a power do you think?

Cynthia Stewart: I do. And the reason I think it is is that we begin to shift our lenses from what's wrong with this person to what's right with this person. We begin to enjoy all these differences from ourselves to each other, especially in our families. And especially with the people that we work with every day, even people that we meet and get to know. And, and now I'm strength spotting everybody. Like I, I can see them popping up everywhere. So the more that my awareness gets tuned in on this, this vibe of what's right with people and how are they wired to do such amazing things? I mean, it's fascinating. It's absolutely fascinating. And the other thing that I noticed is the dynamics of strengths with each other. And I can see why friction occurs. It gets to where you see why that, why people are having friction in their relationship because their strengths it's the way their strengths are playing. And you can change that so that the friction goes away. So it, you know, it's a new lens. It's a new way of seeing people. That's very invigorating and energizing.

Clarence Fisher: So I'm a small business owner and I want my people to lead from their strengths. And I've seen this, I don't really call any a coach or a consultant like you, I tell myself, Hey, you guys are going to lead from your strengths. And then I go about trying to get them to lead from their strengths. What are some of the pitfalls that you have seen that small business owners make when they're embarking on this, those tasks?

Cynthia Stewart: The biggest mistake is to think that it's a personality assessment and that it's just by taking it, it's going to help us get along better. So you take it, you have a feel-good exercise. Everybody kind of learns there. They learn what their own strengths are and what others are. And then, they leave it behind. They think that it's, it's either a one, two or three-time exercise. And that's a mistake because the real value of Clifton strengths and knowing your strengths is working on. And so that means that when you set up a new project, you say what talents and strengths do we need for that project? So if let's just say I'm going to do financial, my annual financial plan, what talents do I need in the room to really think about the annual financial plan and know normally, you know, we're going to think about, well, so-and-so is our CFO's, so we're going to want them in the room or so.

Cynthia Stewart: And so and so is X. And we think about it from a what perspective, but not how they do the work, or in other words, how they're wired in a talent sense that can bring insight to the table. So who's got the relational skills that can see what's going to happen with the new, for the salespeople in terms of the new goals that they have. Who's got the influencing to help them tell why this is going to be important. Who's got the execution to set up like the step by step to help them be successful at their sales or who has the planning and navigating to help them set a plan in place. So when you start to think like that, to do the work, that's where the richness comes and the value comes and you get to the end game so much faster because you've thought broadly and in a balanced way about what talents are needed. You brought those to the table and boom, when those, when those brains are rapid firing, you can get so much done because you've got the right minds, you're tapping into the right talents and strengths and mindsets to help you figure out the end game much faster.

Clarence Fisher: Very good. Can you share a story of how you've helped a client overcome those obstacles that they've been facing?

Cynthia Stewart: Yeah. I've been working with a client this year, came to me actually last year and we talked and talked about employment. There's the situation is that they're a consulting firm and they've got about, I want to say it's under 30. Okay. However, the CEO realized that the vice president over the field, people who are all over the state was really very controlling and very negative and morale hit rock bottom. And they had been under his, the CEO's leadership. They act that the company had been very successful in meeting high-level targets on a national scale. And they were doing really well. And then boom, it was just like something, something, what happened was the negativity got so high that they stopped meeting their numbers. And then he realized the kind of pouring in talking to the people in the field, what was going on, had to change that person out and slowly but surely what we started to do is started working, got the town, actually, we went with the whole leader, whole team, got their strengths, did a workshop.

Cynthia Stewart: And did the engagement score like the engagement levels. And then I began coaching the leadership team and they began to get their arms around how to use strengths in every, everything they did, whether it was communicating or setting up teams or doing strategic planning, and slowly but surely they've really, they realized that they were people on the bus that, that was just entrenched in their negative mindsets. And they had to ask them to leave. They provided coaching to employees to help them begin to see their talents as they applied to their particular job in the field and there is less than a year there they've turned around the culture, which is unheard of, to be honest with you. It usually takes three years to turn around a culture, but they got very active in the strengths journey very quickly. And they tapped into me as a leadership coach to coach their team on setting rewards and determining the teams and how to use their own talents in their particular roles. As the leader, the coach, the manager, and they've been very successful, it's really turned around their organization. So they hope that their numbers nationally will only be down for a year. And it's going to re ratchet that right back up.

Clarence Fisher: Wow. It takes three years to turn around and culture

Cynthia Stewart: Normally. Yeah, it depends on how large the culture is, but it can take three years. I've been in culture change for my whole life. So I know lots of ways to approach it, but the CEO did some right things. He, he moved the negative naysayers, negative Nancies or negative naysayers out of the company. So he was willing to make those hard decisions to do that with board approval. He has a board he operates under and he was willing to bring in outside help to coach him and his leaders on how to really step into their own talents in a leadership way. So we work on how do you lead from strengths? How do you lead out there from your own talents and step into that leadership role? And we worked on that and then we began to work on ways to really help their teams discover their strengths. So we'll continue next year with a few more workshops, broader workshops for the team itself. But yeah, the journey often takes three years

Clarence Fisher: And by making those tough decisions and really getting after it, he was able to, to cut that time, but done in a third.

Cynthia Stewart: Yeah. Yeah. It's always been in the change. I've been in change for decades and it's always been either have to change the people or change the people. So you either have to make the people come around is the first they have to come around, they have to get on board. They have to have the mindset that they want to change, or you have to move them on into either a different spot or invite them to leave the company or whatever. I mean, but when change is necessary that you only really have two options.

Clarence Fisher: Yeah. You mentioned a little bit earlier engagement and I believe you were talking about employee engagement, which is a hot topic right now.

Cynthia Stewart: Yes. I work on that arena. Yes.

Clarence Fisher: You find that this helps you with that with increasing that increasing engagement.

Cynthia Stewart: There are, well, first of all, I use another Gallup tool called Q12 or 12 elements for management. And what we do is, you know, we take the assessment. Usually, I like to take the assessment before the Clifton strengths. So you assess, you know, the baseline and then what starts to happen is kind of what we talked about earlier. Clarence, when you started to see what your talents were and aim those talents at your business, you became a lot more energized in your business. Is that true? Yes. Yes. Me too. I mean, the more I recognize I have connectedness just use it as, you know, maximizer too, but you just use it to the maximum, just connect, connect, connect, cause that's what you love to do and that's what you need to be doing. So that drives the person's energy level up and they can achieve more.

Cynthia Stewart: And by focusing on talents and really aiming those talents, so the person can be successful, their contribution goes up, their enthusiasm goes up and therefore their engagement goes up. So it's kind of a natural outcome of working in strengths. When I, in the client I spoke about earlier, he was sorta like, how are we going to know if it works? I said, well, how, how do we know if Clifton's strengths are really taking hold and working? I said, well, one way to measure it is to use the engagement survey before you get started and then a year later, and that is a measurement way, but you're going to see it. You're going to see it in the attitude. You're going to see it in the conversation. You're going to see it in how people tackle their work. You're going to see how they relate to each other, how they come together when they come together, what's the energy like? Is it heightened or is it dragging? Is it excited or is it negative? I mean, you're going to see it. You're going to see it start to take shape.

Clarence Fisher: Cynthia, what inspired you to, um, to become an executive coach and consultant in this way?

Cynthia Stewart: I think, you know, my work, my work throughout my decades, like two and a half decades with an electric holding electric power holding company, $14 billion company, I worked inside as an internal consultant. And when I exited that, I really felt like I knew and understood what it took to make a great company. And I wanted to just take that to small businesses, to help them make a great company. And that's sort of led me into executive coaching. I really started out too to work with leadership teams. Executive coaching has kind of been a follow on and I love doing it. I found out, especially when we're talking about people from their strengths perspectives and using those strengths for them to overcome any challenges that they're having in their work life. And I'm just really energized. So the goal was to help companies have a better company experience for people to engage with each other in a high-quality way for them to serve their clients with distinction.

Cynthia Stewart: So I'm very aspirational goals for companies. And I love working with leaders who understand the value of the human asset, the humans, the employees, and their workforce, and really want to tap into the potential that they noticed there, but they haven't really figured out how to unleash it. So it's, it's something that sort, it started as one thing and it's been evolving. I think a lot of people realize that it's just the nature of being in business for yourself. But now I've evolved into pretty much-using strengths as my primary focus, even though I can do many other things. That's the focus that I really enjoy the most where I see people get the most benefit.

Clarence Fisher: So early on, as you started out with your business, what's a lesson that you learned early on that still impacts how you do business today?

Cynthia Stewart: It's always about connecting with the right people. So for me, you know, I have connectedness. Hi. So this would make sense for me to say this, but I really have to connect with people that I work with. And what I mean by that is like, they have to be people who value people. So they have to be people who want to make a difference. So I've figured out that the first thing I have to do is find good fits with the people that I work with. And I feel like they feel the same way. Like there has to be a really good fit. I'm not saying that you have to think the same or at the same or believe the same, but just, there are some fundamental things that are important for me when I work with people. And if I can find that, usually find the people that I want to work with. Usually, they want to work with me. It's kind of interesting. We usually go out there thinking who wants to work with me. And I think that you can come, go out there thinking who do I want to work with? Who do I connect with? And I think that perspective actually leads you on you know, to find what, what you want to do that better than trying to figure out who wants to connect with you. I hope that makes sense.

Clarence Fisher: Yeah. Get the right people on the bus,

Cynthia Stewart: Get the right people on the bus, in the right seats.

Clarence Fisher: Right. Okay. So I'm a small business owner. What do you feel like are the most important question that they need to consider that they need to ask themselves when they are considering getting everyone to lead from strengths?

Cynthia Stewart: Do I want to lead a company where people can do what they do best every day to help me grow my company?

Clarence Fisher: You answered that pretty succinctly, you know, that

Cynthia Stewart: Do I want to lead a company that taps in that helps people do what they do best every day to help me grow? Like it is definitely a hundred, a hundred on both sides. You know, it's a full circle. Do I want to lead a company where people do what they do best every day so they can help me grow the company? And that's pretty simple. I mean, to me, that's, if you can say 'absolutely" then what you're going to do is say, okay, so how do I find out how to make sure that people do what they do best every day? How do I do that? And Clifton strengths and all of the Gallup materials is a lot, I'm sure there's many, but that's the one after decades of I'm a certified six sigma black belt. I'm a certified manager of quality and organizational excellence.

Cynthia Stewart: I'm a certified Gallup strengths coach. I mean, I've been in the let's improve business, all of my career, and the one that I'm landing on wasn't six Sigma and it wasn't going after quality. Although I did those for decades, it was going after and tapping into the potential of people because that's a limitless Putin, that's an endless resource. And it probably is the only limitless resource out there is the potential of people, amazingly, every other resource that we have is limited, except for that. So that's why I'm working in that arena now. So just make sure that you, as a company leader, as a company owner, realize your greatest asset and the one limited unlimited resource that you have is the potential of your people. And when you start to help them tap into the potential through discovering their talents and their strengths and how they're uniquely wired for greatness, I mean, it makes a world of difference and yes, it takes time. It's a way of thinking that you're not looking for what's wrong. You're looking for what's right. And when you switch that paradigm, it's set you on the right path.

Clarence Fisher: So what's the most important thing that small business owner should consider when evaluating an executive coach or consultant for this?

Cynthia Stewart: Well, I mean, fundamentally you have to be able to have a trusted relationship. So you have to feel the sense of trust, right up front. Like this is a person I can trust the way that they're going to conduct the coaching sessions, the tools that they use, the outcomes that they have, the testimonies they have, help me understand that they're a person that I resonate with and I can trust. So that's first, I mean, there has to be a fit. I said this earlier values and experience to what, what you hope for is the outcome. And then, you know, a pathway that feels natural for you and helping you get the outcome that you want. The first thing that you want to do and with an executive coach is to understand what is it that you, what do you want to get to, where do you want to be getting to, and is coaching the only way that will get you there. In other words, accountability, and offering insights and ways of thinking that you haven't considered yourself or that just that different perspective. So first of all, you got to make sure that you really want that level of commitment on your part, that you will know what your outcomes are that you want. You're willing to put the time in that it takes to change. What you need to change has changes that always have to occur. And that the person that you're, you know, you're sitting across from interviewing the executive coach inspires trust in you.

Clarence Fisher: Excellent. My mute button was stuck. So how do we get ahold of you?

Cynthia Stewart: You know, I would really love it. If you would link in with me, I'm Cynthia dash J dash Stewart dash MBA. I should have set that up better, but Cynthia dash, J dash Stewart dash MBA is Cynthia J. Stewart on LinkedIn. I'd love to connect with you. Also, you can always check out my website, evermoreservices.com for the latest events, the workshops and training, and so forth that I offer.

Clarence Fisher: And Cynthia, how will they connect with you? How can, how can you help them? What, what, what are some of the,

Cynthia Stewart: Well, I have plenty of resources and tools to help people. If they just want to know, I'm happy to give some, I have a shake called. I took the assessment now what? And so I've laid out all the resources that you can do. So that's a free offering. I can give you free offerings to help you on your own journey. If you want to do this on your own, I can offer you a consulting session and we can explore the option of whether its strengths is going to be helpful to you in what it is that you're trying to achieve either individually or in your company. And also you can keep being aware of workshops. I do workshops as well. It's called lead from strengths. And you can look for a lead from strengths workshops that I have that are publicly available, and I'll be moving those online. I hope in the near future as well.

Clarence Fisher: Excellent. Well, Cynthia thank you for her for taking this time out. We were talking just before that, it just seems like there's so much going on. I know definitely in your life, but thank you for giving me this time and helping my listeners.

Cynthia Stewart: Thank you, Clarence. I feel like this is a tremendous opportunity for me, and I'm absolutely thrilled that you offered this opportunity to me. And I want to say to your audience and listeners, he's the real deal. So you, when it comes to marketing this, the man that you want to be in touch with internet marketing in particular digital marketing, but he's, he's got his act together and he knows what he's doing. So Clarence thank you, grateful to you for all that you do to help business owners and communities to thrive and flourish. I love it.

Clarence Fisher: I so appreciate it. I will talk with you soon.

Cynthia Stewart: Okay. Very good. Thank you. Bye.

Outro: We appreciate you listening to Local Market Monopoly. Be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to the show and visit ClarenceFisher.com for more resources that will help you dominate your local market and own the block.


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Episode 12: How to Gain Clarity With Shelley Cadamy