How to Create A Predictable Selling System
Podcast by Clarence Fisher
predictable selling system

About This Episode

After a year like 2020, we could all use some predictability in our businesses!

In this episode, I’ll break down the details of implementing Ryan Deiss’s Predictable Selling System (with a small tweak I made for local businesses), it's a foolproof marketing strategy that generates and automates consistent customer conversions.

If you are tired of going from one marketing tactic to the next, hoping finally to get some results, you won't want to miss this episode. Learn the three basic steps for building a Predictable Selling System for your small business, so you can boost profits without feeling salesy or pushy. Listen to this episode now!

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Clarence Fisher

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Clarence Fisher: Hey, it's Clarence. It's welcome back to Local Market Monopoly. I'll tell you what, after a year like 2020, we can all use a little bit of predictability in our business, right. Actually in our life. But we're going to talk about your business today and covering a system that was probably created, but definitely made famous by, I think it was created by Ryan Deiss, the Predictable Selling System. It's a foolproof marketing strategy that generates and automates consistent customer conversions. Now they did a lot of info marketing and stuff like that, but this system works for small businesses as well. I mean, it's kind of what we've built things around and I thought, you know, well, this and other, other methods, but, um, I don't want you to, I don't want you to sleep on this because if you get this put into your business, then you can have that all elusive predictability really is what we all want. Right? So what if you could experience more predictability in your business sales process? You want that? Well, let's look at the foolproof system for how to make that happen. We'll be right back.

Intro: You're listening to Local Market Monopoly with Clarence Fisher, uncovering the tools, tactics, and strategies the most successful small businesses used to their local market and own the block.

Clarence Fisher: All right. Welcome back. Welcome back. Welcome back. Thank you for staying through that. Awesome intro. So as, as we were talking about predictability is the name of the game. We've had a while back that successful marketing is really a system. You know, you have the strategy, but you really need to start making systems. As we started knowing a lot of started realizing lots of small businesses, in particular, were doing these one-off promotions. Like, you know, Hey, we need business. That's run this promotion when really what really, really works is having a system and systematic way of doing things. So the old way is you struggle to generate leads and, and you get demos and trials and they don't convert is difficult for you to measure your ROI. That's what we hear a lot. And I know you've probably thinking of that is like, Hey, Clarence has really hard to measure my ROI.

Clarence Fisher: I don't know what part of my marketing is working. And then marketing becomes very poorly aligned to sales, even in different departments. The marketing department, there's nothing like being in a meeting in the marketing department and the sales department are not getting along with sales department or, you know, say, Hey, you, you guys, aren't getting us good leads. The marketing department is saying, Hey, we're getting a good leads, but you're not closing them. It's just not working together. And everybody doesn't know, everybody's not on the same page with the system. And what ends up happening is it just stagnates growth with all of this. And so what we want to do is here's kind of the new way of making things happen is you, you want to have high quality leads on tap 24 7, that you can shut off and turn on. You know, it's funny.

Clarence Fisher: When I very first got into this business, I had no idea about, of the off button or why you would want to turn a campaign off. But I, until I started getting those post calls, Hey, Clarence, stop it. I mean like, just can, can we, can we, where we're striking out here again, can we turn this off? But that was, that was really, really new, but your demos, new trials, they can, they convert better and you can measure your ROI and all of this. When you can do all of that, you get predictable growth. And that's what we want. There's five steps for this to happen. Okay. Number one. And we talk about this a lot. You just want to identify who you are, who your clients, your customers, your patients are, what are their frustrations? What is the ideal sales conversation? These are things that you want to figure out as the foundation.

Clarence Fisher: You know, you should have a customer avatar so that you know who you're speaking with. And not only you, when marketing knows who you're speaking with, whether you have a marketing department, whether you're just doing the marketing, you still need to know who you're marketing to. A lot of times, we know who we're selling to, especially in smaller businesses where the owners probably there he's the keys, the one making the key sales, or she in there making the sales, you know, who you're speaking to. But very often we don't take the time to put that on paper. And we really don't take the time to share that with everybody else. These are other people where we're looking for, especially the people who are running your ads. You definitely want to make sure that they know. And if they're not asking you have, you probably should find someone else to run your ads.

Clarence Fisher: Step number two, let's make a plan. Okay? This is going to identify how your new selling system is going to work. Remember just a little bit ago, I asked what's the ideal sales situation. Why don't you write that down? What are the key interactions that need to happen first? This needs to happen. Then this needs to happen. Of course, in sales today, you know that our consumers are far more educated than they used to be. So every single sales conversation doesn't happen the same way. And they definitely do not go through a linear pipeline, always. Right? Some people get referred to you and they start here. Some people they've been doing research for you for 12 years and they're ready now. So they call and they start here. Some people don't even have no idea about you. So, , they, somebody just said to call and they're starting at one place.

Clarence Fisher: So having a system in place for all of that. But so we've got the avatar and we've got, you've mapped out what you would like your selling conversations to go to be like the system to me. Now let's get clear on our offer. This is another thing that we find is lacking a lot is being absolutely clear on your messaging and how that's going to connect with your target audience. What's going to compel them to buy. Again, you may know this because you do this. You're in business. Last I checked you're in business. So you do this naturally. Part of this is just pausing and making sure, sure that everybody else like documenting this, making sure that everybody else is on point. So once you've crafted the message, that's going to engage your audience. You want to incorporate that through all of your communications. This is another thing that you have to realize is that marketing is happening all the way through the sales cycle. Marketing is happening when you deliver their proposal, marketing is happening after you deliver the proposal. If you're super-duper slick with that, you man, every single probation not drop a proposal without them being pixeled so that you can actually pixels are going away. We'll talk about that in another episode, but you want to retarget people at that point when they're considering you like Clarence what was, what was that about pixels?

Clarence Fisher: Apple is going to war with Facebook and the new iOS is making it very difficult for marketers to collect the data that we use to collect. So the game is changing again, and we will bring you more on that. It's something that we've been digging into for the last, wow man, 90 days, 120 days, things are going crazy, but you'll definitely hear more about that. But the point is your marketing all the way through the sales process. And once you have your messaging together, you want to put that in everything, have that inside of your proposals, put a testimonial inside your proposal. Anytime that you say that you're going to do something, put a testimonial, preferably of someone who you did that thing for right next to it. Do you want this on your website, your social media profiles, all your sales presentations, and then the next step is we want to automate as much as possible.

Clarence Fisher: What can we automate now? You can't automate everything and nor should you probably automate everything in a world where everything is automated. Guess what stands out a physical touch. Hello? All right. So you do want to, you don't want to scale every single thing, but the things you gain, you definitely want to automate because automation can work for you. So you can focus on other stuff. You can focus on the other high-touch things. So look for automation, automate your sales process as much as possible. Things like auto responders. Those are your email series that go out. As soon as you meet someone at a networking event or soar, as soon as you get a new lead, you can put them in your auto and your email series, which is quite okay, as long as you're sending valuable information, but definitely any part of emailing that you can automate.

Clarence Fisher: That's going to regress any part of your lead generation that you can automate. That's going to be great. Okay. And so number one, start with who you need to get, like who wears the avatar. Then we want to decide who you are. What's your messaging. What is your messaging going to be? And basically pull this out of your head and get this to your team. Okay. Then what does the sales cycle look like? What does it look like? Hopefully, you're using a C R M. That's I would say it in the country. CRM where the pipeline is usual. Maybe you're using Pipedrive. Maybe you're using HubSpot. I don't know, but please use something and then choreograph that sales process. Again, everyone won't go straight through the process, but you want it there and you want to, you want everyone on board because that's, what's going to allow you to figure out, Hey, you know, right here, we could send them this right here. We could send them a handwritten. No, right here, we could send them a basket of whatever. If you don't see it, then you and your team can't come up with great ideas on how to wow that person so that they do what give you money. Actually, they allow you to serve them. They're just not going to give you money.

Clarence Fisher: You have to earn it. But step five. Oh, I forgot to automate. After you pick all these things that you can do you know what we could do, we could that as soon as they hit the CRM, edibles could send this or send out cards could send this or whatever. Of course, these emails go out. Maybe this postcard goes out. Maybe this email goes to Cheryl at that department that then calls and welcomes them. Don't know what it is. You think about it. You dream. This is your Disney world, but once you have it all there, this is the biggie.

Clarence Fisher: Test, test,

Clarence Fisher: Test, test. You can't leave it there. And don't get discouraged.

Clarence Fisher: Just test, change one little thing and test it.

Clarence Fisher: And then when it starts working, this is, I will tell you, and this still messes me up to this day. I get so frustrated sometimes because we can have a sales process, a funnel that is working, Oh my goodness. It is just spitting out new patients is spitting out new clients. We can almost just go fishing and say, Hey, just watch, watch this. And then as soon as we're like, Hey, you know, this is a, we'll probably, we'll never have to, it just breaks down. It's just the way it goes. There's the way the internet goes for sure things just break for no dad-gummed reason. And then you have to figure it out. Of course, you've, I mean, you've got it there, but you got to figure out what piece is broken. And you know, that's really why we were in business, right. Is to figure out where to put the X that becomes our job.

Clarence Fisher: But, um, the point, my point in saying that is, don't get discouraged. You'll work it out and then you'll get it working. And then it will work for a while. And then it just won't for no reason at all. Maybe an algorithm switched or whatever, but don't worry about it. So your selling system, whatever it is, you want to make it predictable. Do not be afraid to get your team on board, hold them, say holding them accountable. But everybody needs to know this. Everybody needs to know what's going on and can speak to it. No matter what department they're in. If they're in marketing, okay, you can speak to it in sales, they can speak to it. And not just you. All right? So that is putting together your predictable sales system is something that we have, what you do at, in the Inner Circle.

Clarence Fisher: If that's something that you'd like to check out. Matter of fact, I think there's, yeah, there's a little training over at localmarketmonopoly.com, a little bit of training that will walk you through the basis of this. And actually, you could probably take some of that and go and go put it to work. But if you want to go a little bit further and you would like us to help you put together your predictable selling system, that you... it's like 297 a month. It's crazy. But go check that out. It'll tell you all about it, but this is what I would like you to do. Please share if this was valuable to you share it. Uh, what was that? Share it like it, comment, review it, and go own the block. We'll see you next week.

Outro: We appreciate you listening to Local Market Monopoly. Be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to the show and visit ClarenceFisher.com for more resources that will help you dominate your local market and own the block.


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